
@SeedWithDataset annotation specifies location(s) of a JSON-based file(s) with data to seed the database before a target test is executed.

It can be used on a class, on a method, or in combination of the two which would have a cumulative effect, i.e., the data pointed to by the method annotation would be added to the data pointed to by the class annotation.

Specifying this annotation on a class or a method without providing at least a single location should cause the mongoUnit framework to look for a default file named ClassName-seed.json or methodName-seed.json (depending on the location of the annotation).

The directory in which this file will be looked for depends on the locationType property of @SeedWithDataset. By default, locationType is CLASS.

If locationType is CLASSPATH_ROOT, the file will be looked for at the classpath root.

If the locationType is CLASS, the file will be looked for at the classpath root plus the package structure along with class name (or name specified by @MongoUnitTest), i.e., if the fully qualified name of the test class is com.mytest.MyIT and this value is selected (which is the default), the file will be searched for in the /com/mytest/MyIT folder relative to the root of the classpath. If com.mytest.MyIT class’ @MongoUnitTest annotation specifies name of test1, the file will be searched for in the /com/mytest/test1 folder relative to the root of the classpath.

If the locationType is ABSOLUTE, the file will be looked for in the root directory, i.e ., ‘/’.

If the mongoUnit framework fails to find any of the the seed data file(s), an exception will be thrown.

If the desired initial/seeded state is an empty database, omit this annotation altogether.

Cumulative effect

Specifying multiple locations has a cumulative seeding effect, i.e., the data is seeded into the database sequentially and is combined in the order specified in the locations array before a test method is executed.

The same cumulative seeding effect applies if multiple @SeedWithDataset are applied to either a method or a class. If the @SeedWithDataset is applied at the class level and another one is applied at the method level, the class level datasets are applied to the database first followed by the method level datasets.

Reusing seeding data for assertion

The @SeedWithDataset annotation has an extra option to signal to the mongoUnit framework that the seeding data should be reused as is for assertion as well. This can be done with the reuseForAssertion property:

@SeedWithDataset(reuseForAssertion = true)

The same cumulative effect with the rest of the @AssertMatchesDataset annotations applies to the reused seeding dataset as well. In other words, the seeding dataset is combined with any other dataset specified in @AssertMatchesDataset sequentially.

For example, this is useful when a certain set of data is not supposed to change after the target code execution. The seeded data can then be reused for assertion as well.