
Zero boiler plate configuration

With mongoUnit, you can start testing your data access logic with placing just a few annotations. No configuration of anything is necessary.

mongoUnit will create a temporary database, put it into a “pre” testing state, run the test(s), check that the “post” testing state is correct, and then drop the temporary database.

Nothing to manually clean up.

Composable initial & expected state

Before each test, the database is seeded with JSON-based datasets. mongoUnit allows you to break up that JSON into separate files so you can reuse and compose them in myriad of ways.

The same thing applies to the JSON-based files that verify the database state after your data access logic has been executed.

“Honey, I wiped production data!” protections

Developer mistakes happen. By default, mongoUnit uses a testing database URI, but even if you point mongoUnit to a slightly more important database server, mongoUnit will avoid erasing or corrupting the database. Instead, it will create another database with a similar name. (Obviously, you should NEVER point your testing code to a database that has production data, even with the mongoUnit protections built in.)

In the end, sure, you can still wragle mongoUnit to wipe your production data, but you would have to work at it. In other words, making this mistake is harder than not making it.

Utility to create DB state snapshots

mongoUnit comes with a utility that will export the data from the MongoDB database in a very compact and easy to read format. Yes, this format will allow seeding the database before a test is executed and verifying its state afterwards.

Customize behavior through property file or command-line

Be default, you don’t need to customize anything. However, mongoUnit allows you a few key customizations that will prove helpful in day-to-day development and debugging of your data access logic and your tests.